Leading an in-house rebrand by starting
with the “why”
In 2022, the company leadership decided it was time for a rebrand. Initially, we’d explored working with an agency — but our powerhouse team stepped up to the plate with an ambitious end of year deadline.
Marketers know a rebrand is so much more than a shiny new outfit. But if your project stakeholders don’t know — you’re already doomed. Your launch could be met by haters and hecklers from your own team if you don’t center the why. For Buildertrend the why was: We had grown up.
We needed to unite 5 companies under one umbrella.
We were expanding our products to better meet the industry’s needs. Strategically timing was right — our biggest trade show and major product changes were coming in 2023.
Ultimately, the rebrand was hailed as our most successful ever and garnered a huge bump in brand awareness and enagement.
Creative Team
Brittany Bauer
Teruko Tsubaki
Adam Schollmeyer
Allyson Gibbs
Kelsey Slofield
Aaron Christensen
Sean Robinson
Project lead & messaging strategy